How to connect a Windows 8.1 client to a Work Folders Sync Share

Recently, we explained how you can set up a Work Folders Sync Share on a Windows Server 2012 R2. It’s time to discover how you can connect a Windows 8.1 client to a Work Folders Sync Share.

The process is quick and simple, but you need to know two important things:

  • By default, you need a SSL certificate installed and configured on the server in order to connect the client. You can configure the client to use http – instead of https – by running the following command on the client:
    Reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WorkFolders /v AllowUnsecureConnection /t REG_DWORD /d 1
  • As Microsoft explains here, when a user enters the email address, such as, the client will construct the Url as, and use that Url to communicate with the server. In production environment, you will need to publish the Url for the client to communicate to the server through reverse proxy. You can bypass the Url publication configuring the following regkey:
    Reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WorkFolders /v ServerUrl /t REG_SZ /d

Let’s start with this tutorial. Open your Control Panel and click on Work Folders:

How to connect a Windows 8.1 client to a Work Folders Sync share

Click Set up Work Folders:

How to connect a Windows 8.1 client to a Work Folders Sync share

Specify the account email:

How to connect a Windows 8.1 client to a Work Folders Sync share

Click Next:

How to connect a Windows 8.1 client to a Work Folders Sync share

Accept the policies:

How to connect a Windows 8.1 client to a Work Folders Sync share

Procedure completed:

How to connect a Windows 8.1 client to a Work Folders Sync share

A Work Folders link will magically appear in your PC:

How to connect a Windows 8.1 client to a Work Folders Sync share

Related article:
Set up a Work Folders Sync Share on Windows Server 2012 R2

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