How to create a vApp on VMware vSphere

VMware vSphere is a very flexible platform, making you able to manage a group of virtual machines and resource pools in a single entity named vApp.

Let’s think about a web application running on a VM. The application also needs a database and other resources running on differente virtual machines. From a service point of view, all the virtual machines are part of the same entity and that’s why vApp exists.

Configuring a vApp is simple. Access your vSphere Web Client and select the Host or the Cluster where the vApp will run. Right-click and select New vApp:

Creating a vApp on VMware vSphere

A wizard will start. Click Next:

Creating a vApp on VMware vSphere

Name the vApp:

Creating a vApp on VMware vSphere

You can allocate resources dedicated to the vApp if you wish:

Creating a vApp on VMware vSphere

Click Finish and the vApp will be created:

Creating a vApp on VMware vSphere

You will fine the new vApp in your Inventory, under the vApp area:

Creating a vApp on VMware vSphere

The vApp now is an empty box, we need to add the pieces required to make it works. For the most, you need to add virtual machines and it’s a pretty easy operation to perform. Right-click on the vApp and select New Virtual Machine:

Creating a vApp on VMware vSphere

Another wizard will start. Add the virtual machines to the vApp:

Creating a vApp on VMware vSphere

Build your vApp and power it on.

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