How to hot-extend a virtual disk with VMware ESXi

Hot-extending a virtual disk is the act of increasing the capacity of a virtual disk while it’s operating and the guest OS is running. Today is a really simple operation to perform, on both ESXi and Hyper-V, but still very useful.

We are going to see how to hot-extend a virtual disk connected to a running VMware ESXi virtual machine with the vSphere Web Client.

Log in your account and go to the Inventory:

How to hot-extend a virtual disk with VMware ESXi

Choose an operating virtual machine from the Inventory, right-click and select Edit Settings:

How to hot-extend a virtual disk with VMware ESXi

It’s time to increase the capacity. Select the desired capacity and click Ok, the client will perform the operation:

How to hot-extend a virtual disk with VMware ESXi

Now you can allocate the added capacity from the guest OS:

How to hot-extend a virtual disk with VMware ESXi

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